Thursday, February 27, 2020

Discussion Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion Question - Assignment Example Thus, value of the customer information determines the value of the company (Blattberg, Kim and Neslin 32). With time, database management helps companies understand their customers better and offer them products and services which match their perceptions, likes and requirements more closely. Customer loyalty is the measure of happiness and satisfaction of customers in which they buy the product or avail the services of a company time and again. From an organization’s point of view, it is a strategic management tool wherein right customers are attracted and stimulated to buy and bring in more customers. Lucky Larry made use of databases and valuable customer information to identify frequent and heavy gamblers. It initiated a casino publication to keep them abreast of the latest happenings, news and programs at Lucky Larry’s. There were tournaments arranged for the identified key players to encourage their playing enthusiasm and entice them to come back time and again to the casino. Players who played the biggest and the largest were entitled to prestigious ‘A-Club’ and were also given silver coins as commemoratives from Lucky Larry’s (Kotler, Bowen and Makens 642). Kay Palace, the manager of the database program constantly measured the impact of programs designed with the help of information extracted from databases to improve the results and bring about necessary changes as and when needed. Lucky Larry’s database marketing is definitely a part of integrated marketing program as it is an attempt to attract and contact the customers directly. Database marketing falls under direct marketing when it fulfills two conditions- the results of the list are analyzed and secondly, the list is updated; both of which are true in the case of Lucky Larry’s. Percy (164) asserts that database marketing, as a part of direct marketing can serve as a strategic marketing tool and

Monday, February 10, 2020

Attend and Analyze a Speech - Delivery Aspects Essay

Attend and Analyze a Speech - Delivery Aspects - Essay Example His speech was quick, probably because he had a lot to cover in a short time. However, he took momentary pauses in between, especially after conveying something important to give us time to ponder over what he just said. He spoke animatedly with many facial expressions. His pronunciation was perfect although his speech lacked lucidity. The speaker appeared very confident in his speech. His appearance was very pleasing to the eye. He had a certain dignity in the way he spoke and moved about during the speech. He would hammer the fist of his right hand onto his left hand whenever he had to stress on the obligations that we should follow in daily life. I found this particular act of his to be very articulate and effective. He maintained eye contact with all the listeners, but most of the time, he would focus on the central part of the audience. He sometimes glanced in the book he carried, but that was less frequent. Most of his facial expressions conveyed more than words could. Whenever he spoke of kindness and compassion, piety and righteousness, his eyes shone with warmth and tears would appear in his eyes. His nonverbal communication was very effective and demanded both attention and admiration. Most of the time, he would point his index finger at the audience as if he was condemning them for something.